
inky thoughts in the digital world ...

Here at the Inkspot, I'll be talking a bit about everything paper and IT -- books, media, IP, legal issues, being a consultant, and other odds & ends that strike my fancy.

Some of the subjects I'm likely to talk about:


Books (especially ebooks)


Linux (as a user, not a programmer!)

Science Fiction

WorldCons (and other opportunities to talk about books)

Food! (one of those odds & ends ...)

Hope you enjoy your visit.

Meaning of a name

From Wikipedia:

The word, Apurva, is a Sanskrit word which in its common usage means, One of a kind, Unique, Like non-other, Like never before or Unprecedented. It is a negative term i.e. not purva, it is something not foreseen, unpreceded, unprecedented, never seen before; in brief it means that which did not exist before or is newly born. Apurva cannot be denoted through any noun or by any verb; it is comprehended as a result of an act.[1]