sounds and light
Recently we "suffered" a loss of satellite TV access for a few weeks (I was busy and online sources like Netflix and Roku, plus OTA HDTV worked, so no real rush to get it repaired.) and I noticed just how much we can do, or choose not to do when our favorite TV shows are "gone."
Obvious, I know. A point made by many others wiser than me.
But it just struck me that being forced to change, even for a short time, exposes some interesting quirks. I found myself catching up on reading books (something I had promised myself months back to do) and using my Roku to catch up anime I wanted to watch as well alas old friends on Netflix. My family were more upset, especially the family sports fan, whose teams were only on CSN. Luckily, some games were on ESPN, so the fan got their 'fix' 😉
But all good things come to an end and I finally called the satellite company to send out a tech to fix things. Sigh.