
inky thoughts in the digital world ...

Here at the Inkspot, I'll be talking a bit about everything paper and IT -- books, media, IP, legal issues, being a consultant, and other odds & ends that strike my fancy.

Some of the subjects I'm likely to talk about:


Books (especially ebooks)


Linux (as a user, not a programmer!)

Science Fiction

WorldCons (and other opportunities to talk about books)

Food! (one of those odds & ends ...)

Hope you enjoy your visit.

Managing multiple windows on Windows

During the day I often have 10-15 windows open and using Alt+Tab to jump around is an invitation to an ulcer. One of the things I love about my Apple iBook is the Expose function. With a single swipe of my mouse to a corner of the screen the machine shrinks and displays all open windows. Then I can click on the one I want to jump to. Quick, intuitive. Windows (all versions) doesn't have this capability natively. But there is an answer - WinPLOSION. For $9.95 (after 7 day free trial) you get the same Expose ability on your Windows machines that Apple gives on its units. Definitely a worthwhile addition.

Give it a whirl.
