
inky thoughts in the digital world ...

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Some of the subjects I'm likely to talk about:


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Science Fiction

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Filtering by Tag: Ballast Point

Coffee, Vanilla and Beer!

Recently I had the good luck to pick up a case of Ballast Point's Calm Before the Storm coffee/vanilla cream ale. I grabbed it on a lark, partly based on my past experience with Ballast Point - good beers, novel ideas and good to solid tastes. 


Calm Before the Storm did not disappoint. The beer was a clear light amber/yellow in color, with a nice head and scattered bubbles (hey, that's my opinion!) that was smooth on the tongue and easy to drink. It left a refreshing taste in my mouth, along with a strong but not overpowering taste of coffee and vanilla highlights. It was a great beer to drink when you want to relax and unwind at the end of a long day and it left you feeling good without a cloying taste in your mouth.


Rate - solid buy

Ballast Point's Calm before the Storm - a lovely beer (stock photo - Ballast Point)

Ballast Point's Calm before the Storm - a lovely beer (stock photo - Ballast Point)

What more can I say? If you can find a bottle - grab it! 

Actual bottle and a poured pint ... 

Actual bottle and a poured pint ...